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django-duke allows you to easily integrate predefined plugins into your Django project. Main idea is to achive zero-configuration approach and simplify installation process of popular application.


When you start a new Django project, you usually need to install some apps and configure them. For example, you need to install django-debug-toolbar and add it to INSTALLED_APPS and MIDDLEWARE settings and add INTERNAL_IPS setting. Of course, you can copy-paste this configuration from some other project, but it's not very convenient. django-duke allows you to install django-duke-debug-toolbar package and it will automatically add django-debug-toolbar to INSTALLED_APPS and MIDDLEWARE and INTERNAL_IPS settings.

Wait! You forget about add paths to file... and Duke will do it for you!

How it works?

django-duke utilizes Python's entrypoint mechanism to find plugins. In short, it searches for duke.plugins entrypoint in all installed packages and loads them.

What is a plugin?

Plugin in django-duke is a tiny python package that contains configuration for some app. It can be a django app, for example django-duke-debug-toolbar - it contains configuration for debug_toolbar app.